Detalii produs
Pachetul de abonament ADR Pharmanex Inner Foundation oferă o soluție extraordinară, sprijinindu-te în demersul tău de a-ți atinge obiectivele de wellness.
Atunci când sunt folosite împreună, LifePak+ și MarineOmega creează un program armonizat de suplimentare care te ajută să menții o bază nutrițională solidă. Prin adăugarea produsului R², vei fi pregătit să profiți la maximum de fiecare zi, simțindu-te revigorat și plin de energie.
Menține-ți baza nutrițională și bucură-te din plin de fiecare zi cu ajutorul ofertei exclusive de abonament ADR Pharmanex, disponibilă la un preț avantajos.
Ce conține
- 1x MarineOmega
- 1x LifePak+
- 1x R² Day
- 1x R² Night
A healthy lifestyle begins with a healthy diet. An ever growing number of scientific evidence demonstrates the health benefits of specific nutrients. The key to a healthy diet is a good balance of macronutrients, which provide calories to support energy needs (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) and micronutrients, to meet the needs for human metabolism. But eating right is not always easy in today’s hectic, fast-moving world. Fortunately, Pharmanex® Inner Foundation ADR Package can help you stay on top of things. Used together, LifePak®+ and Marine Omega form a harmonised supplementation programme and help ensure you receive a well-balanced nutritional foundation. And with the addition of R², you will be ready to take full advantage of every day; feeling refreshed and recharged. Strengthen your nutritional groundwork and take charge of each new day, with this special ADR offer from Pharmanex® – at very advantageous price. For the net weight of each individual Pharmanex product, please consult the single unit webshop pages.
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