- 1本で5つの効果「歯周炎(歯槽膿漏)予防」「歯肉炎予防」「むし歯予防」「口臭予防」「口中を浄化」。
- 有効成分としてPDアタックコンプレックス*を配合。歯周病を根本から予防します。
- 和漢ミントのほんのり爽やかな香味と、マイルドな泡立ち。
- 歯周病の原因菌を殺菌し、歯肉炎を防ぐ成分と、歯茎の炎症を抑え、 歯周炎を予防する成分からなる有効成分を配合。むし歯の発生・進行を予防するフッ素、口臭予防成分も配合し、トータル オーラル ケアをこれ1本で叶えます。
- 有効成分PDアタックコンプレックス(β-グリチルレチン酸、塩化セチルピリジニウム(CPC))を配合し、歯周病を原因菌から撃退します。
- さらにフッ素(モノフルオロリン酸ナトリウム)の働きによって、むし歯の発生・進行を予防。プラークコントロールするAP 24成分*も配合。
- 歯周ケアを第一に考えた、丁寧なブラッシングをサポートする使用感。天然植物由来成分配合。
≪その他の成分≫フェノキシエタノール、 リン酸マグネシウム、 酸化チタン、 サッカリンナトリウム、 l-メントール、 香料(ハーブミントフレーバー)、 カルボキシメチルセルロースナトリウム、 ラウロイルサルコシンナトリウム、 無水ケイ酸、 歯磨用リン酸水素カルシウム、 トウキエキス(1)、 ビワ葉エキス、 オウゴンエキス、 クマザサエキス、 濃グリセリン、 ソルビット液、 ポリオキシエチレンポリオキシプロピレングリコール(300E.O.)(55P.O.)、 ポリオキシエチレンポリオキシプロピレングリコール(200E.O.)(70P.O.)、 エタノール、 メチルポリシロキサン、 精製水
AP 24 歯周ケア トゥースペーストの詳しい紹介
AP-24 ホワイトニング トゥースペーストは販売終了になるのでしょうか?
- いいえ、販売は継続します。
- 物理的にブラッシングを行うことで「歯を白くする」ことは可能ですが、より白く輝く歯を目指す方は、「歯石の沈着を防ぐ効果」をサポートする有効成分(ピロリン酸ナトリウム)を配合している、ホワイトニング トゥースペーストを合わせてお使いください。
- 歯周ケアを第一に考え、ペーストが歯茎にしっかり届き、丁寧にブラッシングできるよう、マイルドな泡立ちにしました。
*AP 24 成分:メチルポリシロキサン、ポリオキシエチレン(200)ポリオキシプロピレングリコール(70)、ポリオキシエチレン(300)ポリオキシプロピレングリコール(55)の3成分を組み合わせたニュースキン独自の成分。
man na –
My dental hygienist was amazed at the difference in my teeth
I have had an incredible difference in plaque build up on my teeth since I started using the antiplaque tooth paste.My dental hygienist was amazed at the difference in my teeth.I am thrilled to finally find something to help since I have always had a huge problem with tartar buildup.
One person found this helpful
twinmom45 –
My dentist recommended this product because my family has excess tartar. It works great and is not abrasive to your gums. Leaves teeth shiny.It has a near neutral taste. I wish its left your mouth with a fresher smell–it doesn’t smell bad, it just doesn’t smell at all. My kids don’t like it for that reason but it does the job.
3 people found this helpful
Staci D. –
Good toothpaste
Been using this brand for awhile now, no complaints
CLC – Chatham NY –
Have used it for years. Wouldn’t use any other …
Have used it for years. Wouldn’t use any other.
2 people found this helpful
Glenda –
Five Stars
Love this toothpaste!!
nanna –
Five Stars
Best toothpaste I have ever used in my lifetime. Will never go back!
denise m, palmer –
really make your teeth feel clean for hours!
Heather Loveless –
Works like it should
It works very well. I use the black charcoal powder which kind of stains my gums black and this is the only toothpaste that cleans them back up. Doesn’t do much for your breath, as it is tasteless and scentless, but it is good for whitening for sure.
4 people found this helpful
Logan Stilwell –
Great product
Very fast shipping. Great price.
Amazon Customer –
Five Stars
Amazing results
One person found this helpful
Shelly L. Johnson –
Five Stars
Great flavor and doesn’t foam you up like a rabid dog!
Christy McDonald –
It whitening your teeth
It cost a lot more money but it’s worth it
2 people found this helpful
MomX2 –
Great toothpaste!
Great results in just a couple days! Love it!
Frank Ranu –
Costly, but one of the best toothpastes I have come across
Noticeable difference after one brushing! This toothpaste has a decent taste and works fantastic! Really brightens the smile and I get glowing reviews at the dentist.
4 people found this helpful
cctyger –
Excellent toothpaste – great checkups!
I started using this brand of toothpaste a few years ago and saw a huge improvement when I would visit the dentist. I then saw this type with the anti-plaque and flouride and decided it might work even better. I have very strong teeth that seem to get a lot more plaque than others and that’s why I have my teeth professionally cleaned every three months. I have noticed a difference when the hygienist works on my teeth since using this toothpaste. She has even complimented me on how much better my teeth are. This toothpaste has a pleasant, but not over-powerful taste. And it lasts a long time which makes the cost worth it to me. Lastly, I’m not sure about the whitening capabilities, but my teeth have not yellowed or been stained while I’ve used it, so I’d say it works as advertised.
cctyger –
Excellent toothpaste – great checkups!
I started using this brand of toothpaste a few years ago and saw a huge improvement when I would visit the dentist. I then saw this type with the anti-plaque and flouride and decided it might work even better. I have very strong teeth that seem to get a lot more plaque than others and that’s why I have my teeth professionally cleaned every three months. I have noticed a difference when the hygienist works on my teeth since using this toothpaste. She has even complimented me on how much better my teeth are. This toothpaste has a pleasant, but not over-powerful taste. And it lasts a long time which makes the cost worth it to me. Lastly, I’m not sure about the whitening capabilities, but my teeth have not yellowed or been stained while I’ve used it, so I’d say it works as advertised.